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Policy on the Use of Space by External Groups – The external groups policy serves to establish a framework to coordinate the use of University Facilities for events initiated by external groups that are not affiliated with the university. Per the policy, external groups from whom Wake Forest requires a certificate of insurance, an inexpensive policy can be obtained here for groups that don’t already have coverage.

Rental Agreement (External Group Event) – When hosting an external group, use this contract to ensure all guests and your department is protected. If your department already has a contract or specific guidelines, simply insert your pre-existing documents just before the signature page using the above contract. This contract was designed to work in harmony with your existing procedures while protecting guests, your department, and the university.


Summer Space Allocation Procedure for Space Managers – To ensure that summer activities are thoughtfully coordinated, the university has implemented this request process to manage classroom and meeting spaces between mid-May and mid-August. This process governs space requests for administrative buildings, Campus Life, The College, and Divinity spaces.

Hearn Plaza Request Guidelines (WFU Log In Required) – Hearn Plaza is the emotional core of campus and requires special care to protect the integrity of this important space. This document details these how we balance these competing priorities and the processes around requesting this special place on campus (along with the Green Room). In addition to protecting Hearn as a core space on campus these guidelines will maintain the casual and recreational use of the space, sustain the health and appearance of the landscaping, all while hosting a very limited number of events.