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Space Managers are the heart of the room approval process and help the university effectively manage space on campus. Space Managers are responsible for processing requests for spaces they manage (typically within one business day). They are also responsible for reporting both maintenance and room feature changes to their department’s Power User.

Visit our How-To and FAQ pages for help with performing common tasks using the EMS Client.

EMS Client Installation & Help

Contact your area’s EMS Advisory Team Member to request an account and training. Please email the Chair of the EMS Leadership Team if you need assistance identifying your area’s EMS Advisory Team Member.

Mac Users: EMS is a Windows-only app. Please visit our EMS Client on your Mac webpage for instructions concerning how to install EMS.

  1. Click the link (WFU log in required) on the EMS Desktop Client Installation Page. You will be prompted to save two files (EMSApplication.exe and emswebdeployconfiguration.cfg). Save both files in the same location (e.g., your Desktop).

  2. Double-click the EMS Client Installer (EMSApplication.exe).
    EMS Installer Icon

    💡️ Note: If a window pops up prompting for the “EMS Web Deploy configuration URL” paste the website address below in the input box and click OK.

  3. The EMS Client will begin installing, which will take a few minutes.
    EMS installing

  4. Once the installer finishes, the EMS Client will start.
    EMS Client Connecting to Server

  5. When prompted, enter your email address and password.
    EMS Client log in screen

  6. Once logged in, you’ll see the EMS Desktop Client (your screen may vary slightly).

  7. To avoid future confusion, we recommend deleting the two files you downloaded in the first step (EMSApplication.exe and emswebdeployconfiguration.cfg).

For additional assistance, please contact your area’s EMS Advisory Team Member.